Primary History/Geography Bundle

Sale Price:A$103.88 Original Price:A$129.85
Islamically Integrated Combined History and Geography Units
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Islamically Integrated Combined History and Geography Units
Islamically Integrated Combined History and Geography Units

In this Bundle, you will get 5 units plus the Prophet’s of Allah mapping activity

  • In The Beginning: The Story of Creation

  • The Prophets of Allah: Instillers of Tawheed

  • The Rightly Guided: Islam Across The Lands

  • Continents: See and Learn

  • Oceans: Seeking His Bounty

Both In The Beginning and The Prophets of Allah units are based on renowned Islamic historian, Ibn Kathir’s respected work, Al Bidaya Wan Nihaya, (The Beginning to the End). In these units, we take you through a historical and geographical journey of the story of creation and the 25 Prophets of Allah mentioned in the Qur’an.

In The Beginning we begin with the first of all creation and take you through the creation of the heavens and the earth, the Angels, the Jinn and the story of Iblees. The perfect lead into our next unit:

The Prophets of Allah, which takes you through a unique look at the lives of the 25 Prophets mentioned in the Qur’an:

  • The people they were sent to

  • The geographical areas they lived in

  • The places they travelled to

We also look at:

  • The geographical landscape

  • The political landscape

  • Map work and understanding the blessed area of ash-Sham and the greater Middle East as well as some work on continents.

In discussing these, there will be mini research activities along the way which will include topics such as:

  • The Children of Isra’eel

  • Phoenicians

  • Country and city studies including Yemen, Syria, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Jerusalem, Damascus and others

  • Over 20 pages on the Seerah of our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.

The Rightly Guided: Islam Across The Lands is a continuation from the Prophets of Allah Unit where we now move onto the Rashidun Caliphate. We take a look at all 4 Caliphs, the men they were and the lands they spread Islam to. In this unit we cover topics such as:

  • Various battles that were fought

  • Muslim identities such as Khalid ibn Walid

  • Roman and Persian Empires

  • Geographical studies of the lands that were captured

  • City/Country/Continent Studies

Continents: See and Learn takes you on a journey across the globe through the seven continents. This unit covers each continents:

  • Geography, including landforms such as oceans, rivers, lakes, mountains etc

  • Landmarks

  • People and Religion

  • Native Plants and Animals

  • How Islam was introduced and spread.

Oceans: Seeking His Bounty we take a look at the world’s oceans through an Islamic lens covering topics such as:

  • Ocean zones

  • Ocean pollution

  • Bodies of water

  • Astrolabe invention

  • Ocean tides, currents and waves

  • Salinity and density and more!

All of this is from a sound Islamic perspective, ensuring that our children’s foundations are based upon the correct creed. Making these stories clearer, more meaningful and relatable through our units.

These units are designed to foster inquisitive little minds that inshaAllah grow up to be of those who ponder and reflect. We can only do this when we study the context of these events.

It’s recommended that these units are carried out over a 6-12 month period in total. This is as a guide, although work at your own pace and go as fast or as slow as desired.

These units are best suited for primary aged children, 6 and up who are able to read and write as there are research based activities involved.

  • Digital download

  • Digital file type(s): 1 zip folder containing 6 pdf files.

  • Licence is for one classroom (school, madrassah or co-op) or for one family if you are carrying out the unit individually.