The 3 Fundamental Principles - For Kids

You don’t have to wait for your children to go to madrassah before they start learning the most important aspects of the deen. By learning from you, you not only get to establish these beautiful teaching moments, but you also get to be the one who taught them their basics. So where do you start?

Regarding the saying of Allah Almighty, “Allah will keep firm those who had faith in the firm word, in the worldly life and in the Hereafter,” (14:27), the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “It is in the grave when it is said to him: Who is your Lord? What is your religion? Who is your prophet?” (Sunan al-Tirmidhī)

Thalathatul Usool, written by Sh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab provides a detailed response to these three questions that we will all inevitably be faced to answer. Sh Uthaymeen wrote a commentary on the book, and honestly, it's a must have in every home and one that can definitely be incorporated into any read aloud basket.

The answers to these questions are the building blocks of our faith. This resource will inshaAllah give your children a brief introduction into who is Allah? What is Islam? And who is Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)?

The Printable also includes activities including colouring and copywork.


Morning and Evening Adhkaar Card Set


Muhammad and his Miracles - Aqeedah 101