Colours Of The World For Kids. An Islamic View On Diversity

If we are honest with ourselves, we have always had racial issues rife in our communities, it is only of late that we are now being forced to acknolwledge and confront it. With that, comes working through our own prejudices and trying to make sense of it. So where do we start with explaining it to our children?

All the answers to our problems, lie in the Qur'an and Sunnah and it's for that reason that I have made this resource. We need to understand our past in order to be able to move forward. Why did Allah create us this way? Why did He, from His Infinite knowledge and wisdom choose to make us all different?

We start with the creation of Adam, peace be upon him, who was created from different coloured earth. I've incorporated a brief introduction into soil classification to tie in with the story of creation and really allow your children to have a multi sensorial experience and understanding of this concept.

You will find four additions to the information. They are:

1. Montessori Inspired Soil Cards

2. Map of the World. We have dot painted this map using a cotton tip to represent all the different skin and soil colours found on the earth. You could also colour or paint this in.

3. Little people soil craft. Using soil that you have collected around your home or on nature walks, paint the little people with PVA glue and sprinkle different coloured soil over them. This is a cute and fun way to represent the ayat on the page.

4. Excerpt from the Farewell Sermon. This ties in so beautifully into the topic. Hang it up, memorise it, remember it and most importantly live it.

Total of 10 pages.

Colours of the World Thumbnail.jpg

Juz Amma Memorisation Chart


Jumu’ah Info Pack with Activities