calling allah with his beautiful names and attributes

Teaching your children to understand Allah’s Most Beautiful Names and Attributes is one of the greatest gifts you can give them.

It’s important not only to know Allah’s Names but also to understand and use them daily in our du’as. Ground your children in their aqeedah by guiding them through the meanings and applications of Allah’s Names and Attributes.

This is one way to love Allah better and to lead to His love for us. By understanding Allah’s Names and Attributes, we can draw closer to Him and gain a deeper understanding of His essence, inshaAllah.

We’ve chosen the 99 Names and Attributes of Allah from the authentic list compiled by Sh Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him). The sisters at Ayeina have a fantastic blog post that gives a great amount of information about this list of the 99 Names and Attributes of Allah, check out the post here.

This is the same list we have used for our cards set: The 99 Names and Attributes of Allah.

What you can look to find in this resource:

  • 99 worksheets containing all of the 99 Names and Attributes of Allah.

  • In each worksheet, you will find:

    - The Name or Attribute of Allah

    - The meaning of the Name or Attribute

    - An example of a du’a using this Name or Attribute to help kids understand the meaning and application better.

    - An opportunity for kids to make their own du’a using this Name or Attribute.

    - An opportunity for kids to note down 2 memorable points


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