the best resources for the 10 days of dhul hijjah
The best days of the year are almost here! Many of us will take this time to increase our acts of worship and for those homeschooling, this may also mean that we want a more religious focus to the work that our children do. In order to help you, take a look at our list of some of the best Allamah resources to use during this time:
The Three Fundamental Principles (For Kids)
Regarding the saying of Allah (ﷻ), “Allah will keep firm those who had faith in the firm word, in the worldly life and in the Hereafter” [Qur’an 14:27], the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “It is in the grave when it is said to him: Who is your Lord? What is your religion? Who is your prophet?” [Tirmidhī]
Usool-ul-Thalatha written by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab provides a detailed response to these three questions and Sh. Uthaymeen has written a commentary on the book. This is a must book in every home and a great start to any aqeedah lesson.
The Family Tree of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
A simplified version of the Prophet’s (ﷺ) family tree including his (ﷺ)’s parents and children.
Included are Name Cards for all with some brief info on each.
Salaah (for kids)
Although this resource was released as a Ramadan Pack, much of it can be used any time of the year to teach your children how to make salaah.
Information on salaah
How to make wudu
DIY Salaah book
Salaah ahadith & ayaah reminders
Love For the Prophets (Comprehension Worksheet)
If you’re taking this time to read about the Prophets, add a comprehension worksheet to your lessons.
Not only can it be used to get a sense of how much your child has remembered but to also open further discussion about these stories and take a deeper look into them.
Quran Journaling (for kids)
If you’re focusing more on Qur’an then this is a great activity to help reflect on it by discussing what has been learnt.
In this resource your child will think about and discuss:
The themes in the surah
The people or things that are mentioned
Islamic History Units
Our History Units have a chronological approach to studying history starting from the beginning of creation, moving onto The 25 Prophets of Allah mentioned in the Qur’an and then The 4 Rightly Guided Caliphs.
We take a look at all of them through both a historical and geographical lens, making their stories more relevant to the children.
Learn more about each of these units in our shop.